29 September 2009

Hardcore vegans - absolute fucking nutters

I was told on Facebook yesterday that milk is all about "murder" and "rape" by a hardcore vegan. I then tried to engage in some rational debate with this horrible excuse for a human being. My bad. Turns out me pointing out how insensitive calling a cow being milked "rape" might be to actual victims of sexual assault only meant more shrieks of rape.

Fortunately a friend emailed saying she'd had run ins with these some extreme vegans and pointed out the bleedingly obvious I hadn't thought about - they're fundamentalists. Just like the religious variety, no amount of rational debate will make any difference whatsoever.

Part of being a progressive is trying to take people with you. If they disagree you communicate and find points of similarity. You can't use terms like "rape" and "murder" in the context of cows being milked and expect people to come along with you. You're just going to ostracise yourself and turn people off who were thinking of changing their ways.

I'm all about building progressive alliances - but the fundamentalist vegans won't be a part of it - they can go fuck themselves.

1 comment:

Leon Bertrand said...

Good point - and well written.